This, the inaugural update for Nemedian Hot-Pants Across Hyboria, a blog for Kiri, fated and condemned Brythunian-Æsir barbarian slave. A chronicle of her misadventures and exploitations, and an insight to she who is Victim of the Prophecy.
While the images herein contain screenshots of Age of Conan: Unchained, property of game developer Funcom, Kiri and related character concepts presented here are protected original work of PhanPhoe Creations©.
Nemedian Hot-Pants Across Hyboria is an adults-only blog and chronicle of original characters in the liberal sex and violence endemic to Robert E. Howard's Hyborian Age. Contained herein is sexuality and violence, cosmic horror in the vein of Howard and other sci-fi and pulp fiction writers including H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth and John Norman, BD/SM and cheesecake themes.
I like the blog! Keep it up and thanks for stopping by Hyborian Rage!